Scamper Camp

Dates: June 21-23, 2024

Ages 5-7

$180 for Single Camper (Age 5-7 Scamper)

$360 for 2 Campers (Age 5-7 Scamper & age 18+ Camper)

Scamper Camp offers a short and sweet camp experience for our littlest campers aged 5 – 7. We’ve also opened our doors to adult campers to come along with the child scampers. Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas are invited to camp for the weekend as well. Scampers are between the ages of 5 and 7, campers must be 18 years of age or older and submit an original copy of a criminal record check with vulnerable sector check by June 1.

Check-in is between 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on the first day of camp.

Pick-up is at 1:30 pm on the last day of camp.

Summer Theme: Dive-In!!!

Get ready for our summer-long theme: Dive In! Throughout the week, we'll be immersed in games, chapel talks, and costumes all centered around the Dive In theme. The dining hall will be decked out, costumes will abound, and a special soundtrack will set the tone for a lively and textured camp experience. Feel free to bring your own costume, but no worries if you don't - our creative cabin leaders will help campers come up with something using what's available. Some campers bring super awesome and elaborate costumes, and others simply wear a name tag or a t-shirt that kind of goes with the theme.  Sometimes campers wear a totally different costume simply because that is what they wanted to wear.  There are no points or awards, it is just for fun.

So this year, you can wear whatever you think “Dive In” means – whether you’re a sailor, a swimmer, a pirate, or a bookworm, let your creativity shine!!


What to Expect


Wake Up

Around 8:00 we wake up the campers and start off the day with some short wake-up activities or games such as pillow fights, relay races, or other fun challenges. Campers are usually still a little drowsy but they wake up just in time for breakfast. For this age, some campers like to wake up super early, so we have bonus gym games with our morning watch staff for the early risers so the rest of the cabin can continue sleeping.

Skills Time

During this two-hour block of the day, campers participate in many of the different activities we have at camp. Anything from tubing, climbing, drama, arts, archery, and bumper balls, just to name a few.

Lunch & Tuck

After eating lunch in the dining hall it’s time for tuck – a shop with candy, drinks, camp clothing, and other cool stuff. Campers preorder from the tuck shop at breakfast time and have the order delivered to them right after lunch for them to enjoy the afternoon.

Beach Time

We head down to the beach while the afternoon is still young and spend a few hours in the sun. At the beach, campers can go tubing, build sandcastles, play beach volleyball, frolic in the water, or just relax on the beach while having a great conversation with a friend.

Cabin Time

After the beach, there is time set aside for campers to hang out with their cabin and get a taste of the different things camp has to offer. All of the activities from skills time (tubing, climbing, arts, games, etc) can be done as a cabin.


Once every week we have a theme meal. Keep your eyes open for when we announce our theme meals so you can put together a costume and come have a blast at supper!

Evening Event

Each night we play a big wide game with the entire camp participating. Favorites of our little campers include Pony Express, Star Wars, Where’s Waldo, and many others.

Mug Up

Mug Up is just a code word we use for an evening snack.

Evening Session

Everyone gathers for some time to worship together. The speaker will give a talk or someone will share their testimony during this time.

Lights Out

After some wind-down time spent hanging out and getting ready for bed, everyone hits the sack for the night. If you are an adult camper with your little scamper, it’s your bedtime too! You are a camper, just like your kiddo.


Frequently asked questions

  • All adult campers are required to submit the original copy of their criminal record check with vulnerable sector check. This must have been issued no later than January of the previous year. This is absolutely mandatory and must be submitted before the deadline of June 1. This is a simple process but it does take time. You’ll need to go to your local police station and ask for a Criminal Record Check with the Vulnerable Sector cleared. This may come with a fee (which you will need to cover), then it may take several weeks to process and you will need to pick up. Please mail the original to Gull Lake Centre, Site 1, Box 6, RR 3 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N3 or drop off at camp.